Want a Guest Book everyone is sure to talk about? Many brides do but with all the other wedding details, it's often overlooked. Instead of sending your maid of honor out to grab one at Michaels 24 hours before the wedding, do something special that will truly welcome your guests. Here are a few great ideas to personalize your guest book. They may take a little more time to put together but they all have a lasting impression!
* A new twist on a classic quilt project - what home-ec class has never put a quilt together of favorite t-shirts or old pictures? Now you can take your guests well wishes to the couch.
*Print out mad lib cards where your guests can create funny stories to share on your special day. These are great in a scrap book and you can enjoy for years to come!
*“Leaf” a thumb print. Guests can use their thumb print to create leaves on your wedding tree and sign their name next to it. It instantly becomes a work of art!
*A guest book that keeps giving- or reminding! Never forget a birthday again, have your guests sign their special day on the calendar for you special day!